Hey all sorry for the delay in writing. It has been a series of repair challenges for me. Starting with Tammy's car. first overheating, then the bath tub needing the drain line to the main repiped, Tammy's car blowing out the heater core and needing replacement, and a leaking pipe under the kitchen sink which turned into a replacement of valves. Nothing is ever just a simple fix. Tammy's car for instance the heater core was last saturdays repair, 4 hours to remove the thing. Yes i have a book and i read the directions 3 times to make it somewhat easier. Well the new core was only 28 bucks and it only took less than 3 hours to install the thing even though i have yet to hook up the hoses but that is sure to come. well looking at some of the pics of Cody's last hunt made me post these in action shots... as one can see the cotton field in front of him was a challenge to overcome, one cannot shoot too soon or it drops out of sight forever.. thats all for now...... Tommy