Dove Hunt Sept. 1st."06"
We are back from the dove hunt... Cody and I did quite well, i did bag my limit of 10 and Cody bagged 4 but lost 4 .. there was not reason we should not have done better... i left with 4 hundred rounds and retured with a little over 2 hundred... yea we are bad shots but hey ammo is cheap ... the temps were hot.. 112 degrees on friday and when we left on saturday morning at 9 am it was already 103 degrees.. and climbing.. these pictures were from saturday so it was a little slower and i was able to take pictures..this is a lemon grove behind us and there was a cotton field across from us so needless to say if ya dropped one in the cotton it was gone. We did have a better shot at finding them in the lemon grove if they fell between the trees but if they hit a tree they would stay in the tree and the trees have thorns to about 2 inches long and they are sharp... we all lost a few to the trees and cotton... the motel we stayed in has been remodeled so it went up from a quater star to a 3 star rate, we were all impressed with the upgrades...Cody and i shared one room and Bernie and Bob Wargo shared the other... i slept real good not having to listen to Bern and Bob snore and Cody does not snore so i was in good shape hopefully he does not learn to snore... all in all a good hunt ready to do it again next
year or next weekend ... Tommy

YES good times.
YES good times.
Good job! Looks like a successful hunt.
You are very like Mats Johnsson. Mats Johnsson is my God father
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