Hey all well sorry for the delay in the last post... i have been installing an a/c - heating system in my neighbors home... it was a bigger job than i anticipated... or was going to take longer than i hoped... the heat really prevents me from doing a lot of work in the attic when i get home from work...also the suppliers are out of a lot of material due to the heat wave in july... i am now at least half way done... i also have had a lot of add ons to the job which slowed the job down... i will be back in form shortly.. i hope.... any ways i will be huntin in 2 weeks so there will hopefully be some action pictures to go with the account... if i remember to bring the camera... so much to remember... i just love getting old...later people..
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006
Good morning.. well it was a good week last week.. the cat that Amberlee brought home has been adopted out to a nice girl... earlier in the week Cody and I traveled to Lancaster to start my back ground check on some guns that Cody and I had won. Pick up date is after 5:15 pm on wednesday.. Cody and I cannot wait. Cody, my brother Bernie and my self went to the Mule deer foundation benefit dinner two weeks ago and Cody won a Marlin .17 cal HMR rifle. As for myself i won a Knight .50 cal black powder rifle, with a stainless steel barrel and composite stock.. i cannot wait to shoot the thing... also i won a Ruger 7mm 08 rifle. the bad thing with this free stuff is that is always cost a lot of money.. now i have to buy black powder accessories and a scope and sling for the high power rifles... not to mention i now have to go hunting and use it darn the shear suffering involved... I did get our new hunting licenses, Cody and I, so we are ready to hunt the dove season opener on sept. 1st... well thats all for now