Dove hunt 2008

Ok everyone i am back.... its been a very long time since my last entry but hey a lot has happened. I have been very busy with the home improvement scene also... upgraded the electrical panel which turned into a major job with opening up 2 walls, insulating them, removing all the carpet and we are now down to the original hard wood floors. Finally the next project is the back yard, its starting to cool down so it is all torn up and i have started to build the deck. more on that at a later date... while all the projects are going on we did manage a dove hunt on Sept. 1st... wow a great hunt... it was the coolest temps we have ever had in beautiful Blythe.. our highs were only 98 deg.. it usually is 110 deg. to 115 deg. or more... so needless to say it was great... and the birds.. well there were a whole lot more this year compaired to years past... with limits or near limits for many... Cody and I did very well, Cody bagged 7 and 10 for me.. Also with us was Cody's friend Adam and his father Barry and my brother Bern. Bern did well also he bagged 6 birds, about par for him. It was Adam's first hunt.. He is hooked.. he really loved it.. except the part of getting up at 4 am.. Adam did quite well for his first time.. he bagged 4 birds and his dad 1... way to go Adam... we hunted a different field compaired to years past... it was a plowed wheat field and the birds wanted in there... Most birds were the white wing dove with only 2 morning doves taken by us.. Now for the pictures Barry and Adam both in cammo with their doves at the motel... Barry and Adam in the field waiting for the next dove to fly by... and Cody and myself with our doves at the motel cleaning table... a great time by all.. untill the next time...........................