Well its Blyth, Ca. its hot, 112 deg. F and humid due to the moisture coming off the cotton field we are hunting next to. We face a lemon grove where the birds have roosted the nite befor and try to hit them as they leave for food and water but the trick is to drop them befor they go over the cotton because once ya drop one there its gone. We did OK, there were few birds compared to previous years probably do to the recent storms which sends them straight to Mexico and the farmers not planting a lot of grain. Well back to the motel for dove cleaning, they put up a cleaning table for all the hunters to use and here Bern is giving Cody a little instruction on dove cleaning.. the last if a picture of Cody and myself with our mornings hunt results which consists of morning and white winged doves, we did not see any of the new eurasian doves which are now part of the bag limit but did see some other hunters cleaning some at the table. well untill the next hunt or what ever happens next..............