wild, wild life

Well no trip is complete with out being visited by the local animals... i have already talked about the bear... and as we were driving into camp mid week we came upon this nice 3 point buck, still in velvet... he just wandered around the camp not a care in the world... but just wait another week when deer season opens up, bow season, then its another story.. and on the Friday as we were ready to leave lake Mary i hear a screech and wings flapping and Cody yells " Dad look up" and there perched on a branch not more than 10ft. up is a small hawk or falcon that had just caught a blackbird.. it was really awesome to watch it, the bird flew off befor starting to eat its meal...like usual the camp critters were in full gear.. the squirrels, chipmunks and blue jays.. always wanting food. at night the stars were bright and plentiful.. something we in LA don't get to see a lot of. there was a meteor shower on Sunday nite but we left 2 days earlier so we only saw the occasional one at nite. We did see some satellites, they are always fun to watch scream by...
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